Digital disruption. Lot of talk but not many putting money on it. Its more for growing the present business rather than future business. PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) conducted its 7th annual Digital IQ Survey with the objective of identifying ten key digital transformation attributes which correlate to achieving stronger financial performance.

The Digital IQ Survey threw up some interesting and some of the already known digital transformation attributes which enhance financial performance. Of course, the first on the list is the CEO’s direct involvement in the process. 73% of respondents felt that CEO should be the champion for digital transformation. One of the interesting attributes that showed up in the survey was that Digital enterprise investments are made primarily for achieving competitive advantage implying that digital technology should be used to do business as it should be done rather than just doing it what you were doing before more efficiently. That is, digital transformation should be looked at to bring about a paradigm shift.

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