A report compiled has listed certain digital marketing tactics that are still not being used by most organizations. Within the sub-category of Seacrh Engine Optimization (SEO), certain strategies are being missed such as Link Reclamation. This refers to reclaiming the original URL after switching domains. Firms aren’t optimizing pages enough for navigation purposes meaning Google cannot locate the page easily during keyword searches. At least if the title, description and heading tags can be optimized, then search algorithms find it easier to locate the page. In the content area, few marketers are reviewing the content during messaging. Also buyer personas must be created as it allows the marketing team to segregate the audience based on relevant trends, patterns, behaviours and demographics. Within the field of social media marketing, self profile optimization must be done so that the particular handle can be located easily on the web. Email is still an effective means of reaching the audience for marketing purposes. The social media pages must also be tagged for optimization purposes. The last broad category is conversion optimization. Within this companies must constantly track business analytics to measure the effectiveness of each marketing campaign. The practices to have yielded the best of results must be reviewed again to learn from them. Sometimes a sample group of visitors must be engaged so that real time feedback on systems can be assessed.



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