As AI makes more Decisions the Nature of Leadership will Change
It is tempting to blame Artificial Intelligence (AI) for a lot of impending doom. Apparently, a lot of jobs, especially the routine ones will be taken over by bots and robots. In this scenario, the art and science of leadership will also be under the scanner. A lot of traditional leadership roles could now be performed by AI powered tools. This especially relates to the ‘hard’ parts of leadership such as dissemination of information. Those aspects requiring soft skills such as objective decision making and team mentorship will also be affected but in different ways. One way in which this change will take place is the level of humility that will now be expected from leaders. They can no longer expect an easy ride, as due to constant tech changes, they will need to periodically upgrade their learning. Companies such as Nestle have designed their corporate training programmes to include a dose of reverse mentoring where youngsters will train their senior leaders on newer work patterns. Leaders will also now need to be more adaptable as these changes will need to be incorporated constantly to ensure the right digital transformation. They will need to engage more with their team members. A vision needs to be articulated by these leaders to ensure gains in spite of near-term uncertainty as done at Amazon, Tencent Google, Alibaba, Facebook and Tesla.
Uploaded Date : 06 February 2018