In order the gauge the overall value of AI, and how to succeed with it in business, a recent study was anchored by the MIT along with SMR and management consulting giant BCG. One of the key findings is to integrate the AI strategies with the broader business strategies. Production of AI needs to be linked to its consumption. The talent recruitment systems must also be geared up towards hiring of personnel in data science, AI technology and processes. The difficulties in implementation need be addressed. This will help manage the risks. Opportunities may also then be spotted, so they may be duly exploited. AI has to be a part of the holistic digital initiatives taken by the company. Revenue aims must be spelt out, right at the outset. As much as it may seem contrarian, AI may actually turn in to a force for unification. This is through applying universal norms across data streams throughout an organization.


Uploaded Date:28 October 2019

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