What the best Transformational Leaders Do
In the present age of disruption, several companies are undergoing strategic transformation. While some are simply undergoing this in name without real execution, others have actually implemented such changes. Those that have truly transformed seem to share some common traits among their transformative leaders. A study conducted by marketing research firm Inno-sight has produced a 2017 Transformation 10 list of companies at the centre of the greatest such realignment. This list includes giants such as Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Microsoft, Danone and Adobe as well as niche operators like Price line, Aetna, Da Vita and Thyssen Krupp. Three key parameters were selected to measure companies’ transformative abilities. These were new growth opportunities, financial performance and repositioning of core businesses. A common trait among all these leaders was that while they were all insiders to the firm, they all originally hailed from an unrelated business, thus brought competencies from those industries. As part of their corporate strategy, they do not follow any one pitch, but at least two separate streams to succeed. Instead of fearing cultural changes, they instead use it to increase employee engagement. The entire communication is futuristic and positive. A strategic plan is developed by these leaders long before the real disruption takes place, so they can positively fight the same.
Uploaded Date: 16th May 2017