Design is now increasingly being seen as an essential cog of business, and not just as a support mechanism. Several cases have been known of bad service design and product. On the other hand, there are also countless cases of iconic designs such as the Google home page, the Swiss Army Knife and the visitor experience at Disneyland. A McKinsey Design Index (MDI) has been crafted that analyzes the strong correlation between great design and the company’s financial performance. Generally the study conducted by McKinsey clearly confirms how there is indeed a strong correlation. This is true for across the industries. Many companies have been quite slow to catch up. To ensure that design works take place smoothly, the company needs to ensure an analytical bent of mindset for the top leadership. The talent recruitment must be such that each team is made up of cross- functional skill levels. Continuous iteration is needed to create the ideal product or service design. Pilot tests need to be performed to gauge the user experience.


Uploaded Date:29 August 2019

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