There are several telltale signs that companies need to detect early on that will help them realize that the prevalent corporate culture is likely a liability. One of those early signs is a lack of investment for the personnel, through measures such as an insufficient amount of corporate training being bestowed. Another being the fact that at such places, no proper chain of accountability may exist. The talent recruitment pipeline is faulty as well, with less focus on inclusion or diversity. The top management at such firms often behaves with complete impunity, believing they will get away. The work environment has too frequent high- pressure situations. And finally, the ethical standards at such companies, are ambiguous, with a lack of clarity on several matters. In order to guard against such behaviours seeping in, the company ought to ensure explicitly commitment, from those at the very top. A cultural vigilance team needs to be put in place. Similarly, a cultural vigilance strategy needs also to be deployed. The existing behavioral expectations need to be refreshed. The annual planning and strategic development processes need also to weave in culture as a primary marker within it.


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