Several big businesses have been guilty of not willing to change at times of much societal and technological change. The phenomenon is known as loss- aversion, a term much used in the social sciences. This has been very well explained in a recent book The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules us and how We Can Rule It. It has been co- written by two authors. One of them is Roy F Baumeister, who is a renowned research psychologist, while the other is John Tierney, an award- winning journalist. Well- funded organizations remain cautious to the point of never exploring realistic business innovations. To change this mentality, the top leaders of the firm, need to build in a “tough- minded optimism”, a term coined by the legendary leadership scholar- John Gardner. Startups are doing a better job of reinforcing innovations. This book mentioned also cites the power of four, where four positive points are needed to counter one negative.


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