Several newer capabilities have been identified that go a long way in developing the 21st century organizations under agile leaders. At such places, the leaders need to transcend as well as tend their set of capabilities. During this transition phase, the team needs to shift from a reactive to a creative mindset. This involves three fundamental shifts, beginning with fostering innovations. It also involves fostering collaboration as leaders more from an authoritative mode to one of partnership. They will also need to work in conditions of abundance. Not all who do well under conditions of scarcity, do well when blessed with substantial resources. Teams need to embrace design thinking, as this will help in applying the principles of agile organizations. Culture has to be at the forefront of the transformation. Systems also need to be built in for leaders to be developed to work in such environments. Management training sessions must be curated specialty to develop enterprise agility coaches. The executive team needs to get involved in such development, so that the entire leadership experience becomes immersive. Leaders have to be invited to roll out these capabilities with an agile tempo.


Uploaded Date:13 February 2019

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