Two Wharton Professors have written a new book, that just got published. The writers are Christian Terwiesch and Nicolaj Siggelkow, while the book is titled Connected Strategy: Building Continuous Customer Relationships for Competitive Advantage. One of the concepts introduced via this book is of frictionless transactions. This is best explained through the evolution of experiences at Disney theme parks from merely a ticket to now a Magic Band, that allows for far deeper connectivity. There are two elements to connected strategies. One is the connected customer relationship, while the other is the connected delivery model. Nike offers another similar apt example of this connected corporate strategy. Once implemented, this helps in fostering a competitive and sustainable advantage over others. One also does not have to develop all technologies themselves, but can also use the same already developed by others. Google Maps and 5G technologies are key examples of those that may be broadly used up.


Uploaded Date:29 January 2020

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