Project Oxygen was an internal research exercise undertaken by Google to study and analyze the unique qualities that made a top-notch manager. Business analytics was performed on over ten-thousand bits of data to determine best practices that make the most effective of bosses. Eight traits were identified as most significant in this. Among those, the ability to be a good coach stood out top. Google has set out certain parameters which define it top coaches. They need to be good at providing timely and specific feedback. They must tailor management training approaches in such a way that needs of differing kinds of people can be catered to. He/she must frequently ask open-ended questions to the employees in order to gauge their acumen. Such managers must practice “active” listening. Google uses the GROW concept to make this work. GROW includes Goal, Reality, Options and Will. Goal refers to the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). Reality is about a grasp on the present situation. Options are aboutthe diverse approaches that can be followed. And Will is about the commitment and willingness employees show towards executing a deal.


Uploaded Date:09 August 2018

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