There is much of fear mongering about robots taking away human jobs, but a more nuanced look suggests that while mechanical aspects could get automated, the emotional connect can never get replaced. Thus the desired method is soon going to be a cognitive based one incorporating mechanized live support. A lot of customer service agents could lose their jobs. Their number at present is estimated by marketing research firm Gartner at three and a half million in the USA and three quarters to a million in the UK. They could instead be supplemented by a variety of options. This includes intelligent assistants, crowd sourced agents, web chat services and work from home options. While Digital First is a thought much in vogue at present, the disruptions are not going well with a lot of stakeholders. This is because dissatisfaction has been experienced with the changing status quo. The good thing is that a positive vision is emerging of times to come. Thus any digital changes must be in line with staff expectations and skill sets as well as customer beliefs. For successfully introducing such digital business innovation, marketers will need to explain to the customer base the question of why this change is needed and how it is going to impact them. A visual pathway has to be created for customers and employees likewise to appreciate the transformation intended.


Uplaoded Date: 19th May 2017

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