There is digital disruption all around us. Disparate industries such as retail, military contracting, media and entertainment have all been disrupted by the latest technology wave involving Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, Internet-of-Things (IoT), digital platforms and business analytics. Many business leaders however, are not accepting this new reality, so not adapting accordingly. Yet, change is definitely there and to win the game of digital disruption, one needs to start off by accepting this new reality and logic. One must start now accordingly, before moving deliberately. The company must realize that it has a right to win. A future needs to be envisaged for the existing customers. The pricing needs to be calculated in order to drive demand. Assets formerly ignored need to be revalued as they may bring profits now. One needs to find for oneself a niche in the digital platform which it can control. The company must strive to not get isolated, but instead integrate with the other levels in the value chain. The existing rules need to be constantly challenged in order to incubate innovations. Lastly, a new style of working must be inaugurated to match with the times.


Uploaded Date:14 December 2017

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