Embedding Innovation into your Organization
Business innovation can never be a one-time activity but a constant transformation. Initially, the attempt must be relatively steady with an emphasis on gradual transformation over twelve to eighteen months. Some steps have been outlined to align innovation across the organization. At the very heart a multi-disciplinary team needs to be selected. After this a test must be conducted to check for inherent biases embedded, before dealing and eliminating them. In order to inspire the team, stories must be narrated of other organizations which made a similar leap. Some pointers must now be included such as future growth markers or disruptions aimed at. Now a pilot test of some new innovations must be begun. The few up to three models need to be shortlisted. This needs to be followed by creating briefs for strategy and opportunity for all the shortlisted models. Feedback sessions must be held with the audience to gauge market and internal sentiment. The one which really hit the bullseye and met market approval, needs to be further worked on and developed into a sound business plan.
Uploaded Date:14 July 2017