Raj Gupta, the ex-CEO of Rohm and Haas, which is a chemicals company, has spoken about how his journey from India to the US and subsequently to other parts of the world has shaped his and his family’s outlook. He has now even written this book, “Eight Dollars and a Dream: My American Journey” to compile his views. He feels that business leaders must remain humble and keep control of their often spiralling-out-of-control egos. His professional career spanned over four decades at the same company and took him to UK, France and Asia besides the US. A problem he feels with a lot of ‘technical’ professionals is that they remain bogged down by their expertise instead of rising as a result of it. They rarely become successful managers or team leaders. His greatest achievements include transforming Rohm and Haas from a specialty chemical firm, to a large one largely through organic means. In the process, the talent recruitment spiked as the workforce expanded from ten-thousand to more than double of it, within just a single quarter. Some key acquisitions were also made during this period such as those of Rodel, Lea Ronal and Morton International. Acquisitions do not always pay off but if done with timely information, can save a lot of future hassles. Source:

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