Time is of the essence, especially in the field of management. The best of business leaders need to understand the sense of urgency and pace of colleagues’ work. The tenure of CEOs has also changed, from eleven years in 2002 to just six now among the Fortune 500 companies. Time may also be construed in two ways- clock time and social time. Punctuality and predictability are accorded utmost importance in clock time, while in social time, a fluid sense of natural rhythm encapsulates all. In Latin and Southern European cultures, it is social time that is accorded prime importance, which the same may be said for clock time among Anglo Saxon cultures. There is also much criticality of flow. Four types of leaders have been identified in a study conducted. One is the Clock- paced leader, who has high timeline, but low synchronicity preferences. The complete opposite is the Socially facilitative leader, as this type focuses high on talent management. Low on both counts is the Creative leader, while the Temporally agile one scores high on both.


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