Fifteen sales superstars from different industries have shared their advice on ways to close more deals. Jill Konratt, who is a writer and sales consultant says that failures must be seen as opportunities to learn. A motivational speaker, Grant Cordone feels that professionals must invest in their own education. Trish Bertuzzi says that specific corporate training is required which is best done by enlisting the services of a sales coach. Another says that, there needs to be a detailed plan on ways to react to each kind of sales calls. Other important tips include- keeping one’s ego in check, embracing the challenges ahead with an open mind, developing consistency by eradicating the so-called ‘hacks’ and importantly, never to sell something one does not believe in oneself. Juliana Crisp who is the CEO at Provide, feels that sales is an art form so constant practice is necessary. The number she quotes is ten-thousand hours before achieving perfection. A great way to track business intelligence is by listening to recorded sales calls, feels Neil Patel, who is the CEO of Crazy Egg, Kiss-metrics and Quick-sprout. The other tokens of advice are – to experiment but not repeat a mistake, surrounding oneself with the smartest people possible, learning from others who’ve gone through the same path, have empathy towards the prospects to study their pain points and finally, to commit to the greater vision on why something is being done.


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