A new book has been released titled The Happiness Track, its writer Emma Seppala claims that stress is not a necessity for striving towards success. She cites real-life experiences and studies to show how happiness is actually a better ingredient for success across cultures. This happiness too can be clubbed under two differing categories. The first one is short-lasting as it is about attaining life goals or achievements. The other one, with a longer impact is towards a sense of fulfilment. This even leads to improved health and longevity. The modern desire to constantly showcase oneself as busy is damaging. One needs to slow down and move away from the mantra of “work hard, party harder”, as that merely raises the adrenaline. Corporate training sessions need to be introduced which focus on increased calmness. Low-intensity words such a serenity and peace are much appreciated in East Asian countries.


Uploaded Date:04 September 2018

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