While robo-advisers have been in the game for a longer duration, robo-recruiters are now making a name for themselves. Several companies in the USA and Canada have started making use of robots for the purpose of talent recruitment. Toronto-based Fintros is one such company that develops such robots to de deployed by clients such as Back Rock and Bank of America. These robots make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to scan resumes. Robots zero down on women candidates much more than human recruiters do, as the former do not suffer from the inherent biases afflicting humans. Robots are also better are maintaining secrecy so that existing employees may seek work elsewhere without damaging their prospects with current employer. Another such startup from Canada, matches the people and jobs to skills rather than past experience or academic records. A Plum Profile makes use of logic games and multiple-choice questions to identify results. Work engagement can also be improved using AI-based software.


Uploaded Date:27 September 2018

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