The university of the future has arrived in the Minerva hybrid model of online learning and offline teaching.It has already drafted its focus on key futuristic topics such as liberal arts and critical thinking. With increasing percentage of professionals loathe to quit their jobs, this is an ideal platform for continuous learning models such as is used for an . The institute has also paid a lot of attention towards the aesthetics of the place as it is well-known today that design thinking plays a crucial role in spawning creativity and innovations. The methodology of training is such that the students end up retaining much more than in traditional places where most of the material gets forgotten before the final whistle is blown. Even the testing pattern is unique as Minerva follows the CLA (Collegiate Learning Assessment) pattern. This shows a remarkable pattern of improvement over time. Minerva is now getting more applications for some courses than established giants such as Dartmouth or MIT. An aspect of Minerva’s branding that the founders are really conscious of is the positivity that is to be brought out.


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