Leadership development is one of the top concern areas for companies across the world. A study conducted by the Corporate Executive Board (CEB), confirms that about two- thirds of all companies invest in such management training exercises, to identify the potential next gen leaders in the team. In spite of these efforts made, less than a fourth of all executives consider them of any importance. Nearly a third of all CEOs are in fact, hired externally, thus displaying the lowered confidence that companies have on their own leadership development programmes. The problem is less to do with any lack of internal talent. Instead, the problem lies in several other factors, such as a mismatch in the motivation levels. Companies also face gaps in identification of some other predictors such as engagement, determination, curiosity and insights. Marketing research firm Gallup confirms in its study, that more than half of the managers surveyed in the USA, felt disconnect with their jobs. Companies, in order to make their internal leadership development more worthwhile, need to start by determining the competencies needed for the top positions. One needs to also holistically asses the aspiring managers’ potentials. A growth map needs to be curated for them. Promotions and job rotations are good ways to assess them. A few factors have been identified in this study that these potential leadership candidates need to possess at least to some extent. These are a results- driven orientation, good at developing organizational capabilities, strategic approach, collaborative at work, influential, adept at change management, inclusiveness and a thorough market understanding.


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