Tourism based around alcoholic drinks such as wine, whisky and beer has really caught on the fancy of travelers. That is why the largest alcohol producers and distributors are finding innovative methods to market their Brands. Diageo for example leveraged its Guinness brand in Ireland by creating the Storehouse which remains the most attractive single destination in the country with 1.7 million tourist arrivals last year itself. Over a marketing research study, it was gauged that for over a third of the people visiting Ireland, the Storehouse had a prominent place. The USA and China contribute a major chunk of inbound arrivals to Ireland. Similarly, Diageo is now trying to replicate this success in Scotland through its Johnnie Walker whisky brand with a £ 150 million investment over three years. The company will partner with Scotland tourism to promote the brand and attract tourists. Twelve existing distilleries will also be upgraded as part of the process.


Uploaded Date: 05 June 2018

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