The ongoing digital economy is very different to the earlier ones. That is why the workforce system needs to be effectively created for this one, tailored for the needs. A study by the McKinsey Global Institute has thrown up certain methods which need to be deployed in order to effect this change. First of all, new educational models need to be designed to suit the evolving needs of the larger economy. Instead of constantly worrying about the next round of talent recruitment, team bosses must develop others to take up the next leadership positions, so a pipeline gets ready. For the task of workforce planning, the use of data must be made. Measurable goals must be assigned to these groups of people. A list of agencies must be prepared to collaborate for this workforce development and establish quantifiable goals. Decision-making by employers, educators and even the state need to be supported by data-backed business intelligence gather. The data must be gathered from multiple sources, but then be collated together. Programmes that have a history of having worked well elsewhere, need to be replicated. They need to be expanded to other geographical areas.


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