Just removing someone from the team who is a below- par performer, is never the solution. Instead, the solution will only be complete whence the replacement has been found through the right talent recruitment. This is a coaching- centric model for growth and success, irrespective of the industry. This model even encourages students to stand up for the kind of leader they want. It also encourages people to be valued. This valuation also needs to be demonstrated. The concept of consensus emerges, where all work as a team. Two reasons have been identified in this for trust. One is that employees all need a mentor or coach. Secondly, these employees must get the feeling that the coach is likewise interested in their development. Productive management training sessions can then be held. A team- first mentality pervades this style of people management. Perfectionists are celebrated, but even they need to work keeping everybody onside.


Uploaded Date:27 February 2019

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