Some leaders want the instant fame and gratification of being present at the higher echelons. Others are more problem-led and only act out of their experiences. The second kind can actually be termed as having an “anti-leadership” bent as they are reluctant and skeptical about assuming leadership positions. They however, possess a passion for hard problems that require them to step into these leadership roles. They are good with corporate strategy, so understand most functional aspects from the top. While they are happy to use their talents when needed, they also understand the need to step aside once the function has been met. Corner offices do not attract their types, instead they seek to get the work done as quickly as possible. Their talent management abilities are limited, so stay away from emotional or social needs of employees. Neither do office politics interest them. They do not mind eccentricities of their team mates as long as the desire work is achieved. The status quo means nothing to them. They gave strong adherence towards hard, tangible data. If not available, they shy away from making decisions. Such leaders are most comfortable at entrepreneurial ventures or startups rather than at large established firms.


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