What Brexit means to the World’s Travel Trade
The impact of the Brexit was summed up very well by the CEO of Etihad who stated that global aviation firms need to continue working under stress of war, epidemics and economic upheaval, but this does not stop people traveling. Thus in spite of the Brexit decision, the long term impact on tourism is unclear. Tourism consulting provided by an analyst from Piper Jaffray confirms that in the short term, impact is going to be negligible. But over a period of time, it could get impacted by two factors- market sentiment and US travel market. American travelers may now bypass the UK and visit continental Europe directly. Market sentiments exert enormous influence on the travel industry. Also budget airlines such as Ryanair and Easy Jet could be affected due to the implications on the Open Skies agreement. Top tourism players such as Trip Advisor, Expedia, Priceline, IHG, WTTC and GBTA all have confirmed that they will continue operating in the UK just as before until any major impacts come out.
Source: http://www.ttoscandinavia.com/what-brexit-means-to-the-worlds-travel-trade/