An analysis of two car models developed by two different companies can reveal the importance of crowd-sourced insights. The first of those two cars is Porsche’s Cayenne, the other being Fiat Chrysler’s Dodge Dart. The former is an SUV, the latter a compact car. Fiat was supremely confident that the Dodge Dart could never fail. Porsche on the other hand was more cautious as it had just beaten off getting bankrupt in the early 1990s. Now Porsche wanted to venture into a new line of car- making- the SUV. To break through this new market for Porsche extensive level of business intelligence was captured. Surveys were conducted to speak to people and existing car models were debunked to make the transition smooth. Fiat though believed that its model was the best and did not venture to track customer insights before the release. In fact, initially the Dodge Dart only came out in the manual format in the USA, a country where 85% of the car market is automatic. Eventually, the Cayenne became an instant hit while the Dodge Dart bombed badly and has now been discontinued.


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