Customer satisfaction used to be the gold standard to measuring the success of any product or service. But now, it is now longer enough as customers want to be treated to a level above satisfied. IKEA is one such player that has redefined customer experience by providing great service. Now is the age of creating brand loyalists or fans who will act as advocates to get more numbers in. In order to create fans, it is essential for the company to be clear about its purpose and the kind of audience it needs to tap into. The target market must be thus clearly defined. The company must also be aware of aspects about the company’s offering which genuinely create value for the customers- existing or potential. Customer-centric focus must be built into the corporate strategy so that this topic remains top priority across the organization. Paradoxically, customers must derive both unique differentiation out of the company’s offerings as well as a certain consistency across delivery. The differentiation must look in to delivering memorable emotional experiences while consistency is needed to ensure customer servicing is top notch.


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