A researcher has recently developed a flowchart to depict best reasons which elicit business innovation in organizations. The chart closely resembles the reasons for the same that Google has identified. Not surprisingly it has emerged that organizations perform better when there are functional teams around rather than the mere presence of top individuals. Broadly speaking, psychological safety is the topmost reason for team members to perform well as they can take risks. Dependability is another major factor. Clarity on organizational structure is also needed. Team members must understand that the work they do carries some meaning in the broader world. Finally, they feel best when their work creates impact somewhere. Similarly, Google has also pinpointed a list of characteristics which great managers possess. A top manager is a good coach. He / she empowers the team rather than manage nitty-gritty affairs. The person must take interest in team members’ career development, be a good communicator and is results oriented. Most importantly, the great leader must be able to grasp the bigger picture and execute the corporate strategy.

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