Organizations are heading for a major transformation as they try to adjust and adapt to the digital era and the presence of the cloud. This has an impact on how organizations view the innovation processes and need to align it to be nimble and responsive to a fast changing environment.

Organizations which find value in specialization and well structured processes are usually in conflict with the core identity of innovation which is disruptive in nature. At times, innovation is driven by hunch or a gut feel but should be fostered as it could lead to a game changing system.Innovation today is a manual process. In Future, organizational systems will need to be radically transformed to integrate digital systems into innovation and reduce unnecessary human intervention. The market is becoming increasingly dynamic and organizations run the risk of losing out on business opportunities if they are unable to match the digital and physical worlds. They should put in place a new innovation system suitable for the post-digital age. Using technology in innovation will test physical and mental capacities, decision making capabilities in real time bearing in mind the risks involved and also test organizations’ agility in face of the unexpected. In light of increasing importance of social and big data analytics and the cloud and collaborative platforms, innovation cannot be peripheral but has to become the focus of organizations. An Enterprise wide innovation system embedded in the cloud is a solution that can integrate technology with innovation. An Enterprise wide innovation system embedded in the cloud is a solution that can integrate technology with innovation.

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