Universities on the Brink of a Nervous Breakdown
Most people in the USA irrespective of population segment have some gripe against universities there presently. Thus changes are afoot and for purpose of business research, top educationists and policy makers were asked for recommendations. The courses must be redesigned as this will revitalize them. Policy makers need to make major changes such as ensuring state funding remains primary source of revenue for public universities. Similarly, the non-profit status of private universities that admit less than a tenth of lower income level students must be revoked. Outstanding loans must be reassessed. Above all, education must be seen as a quest at equalizing all classes and races of the USA. Institutions must incorporate race-conscious enrollment plans. Executive MBA using MOOCs has exponentially risen in popularity. Students must understand that careers will take a leap if they go for such courses and they may avail MBA jobs. Concepts like action learning and coaching circles are fostering.