From the number of content marketing innovations that have taken place recently, eight of them stick out for being truly brilliant and originating from some of the world’s top brands. IBM has created content in the fields of software, communications, impacts and citizen rights to uphold its status as one of the premier firms providing authoritative and technical expertise. Hootsuite has carved a niche for itself as a social media aggregator, however its popularity exploded when they created a video inspired by the extremely popular TV showGame of Thrones. Buffer operates on a similar business model to Hootsuite, yet it is their blog section which has truly created rippled for some time now averaging maximum views, comments and shares for a year. Microsoft struck a chord with end users by developing stories around their software products. McDonald’s did something similar by creating stories and videos on some of its food acquiring processes to rubbish claims about the brand promoting an unhealthy diet. Disney has managed to associate its brand with the word magic to stake a claim in viewers’ imagination. Hubspot meanwhile has called its business model as the inbound methodology, the term itself pulling viewers to their products. Go-Pro has not only created content but incredible visuals which have pulled itself away from competitors. Info-graphics have helped the firm develop great content for social media.

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