The relationship between the company management and its HR has moved on to the stage where the former expects the latter to actively intervene in delivering business values. Thus the 70-20-10 model is widely being adopted across industries for the purpose of corporate training. A simple adoption of the same however may not serve the purpose, instead there is a need for curating the same for the specific needs. For this Performance Detectives have stepped forward. They not only carry out a training needs analysis, but also use critical task analysis and other tools to understand where exactly gaps exist in the organization. He / she studies the problem and suggests solutions but the implementation is passed on to the Performance Architect. This person designs the actual course work for the training purpose, initially focusing on the broader 70. Challenging assignments are designed before formal classroom or video sessions are delivered. The design focuses on developing agility and social learning so the trainee can engage beyond silos with various stakeholders.



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