Why (and how) HR needs to Act more like Marketing
The HR field has a lot to learn from marketing. In terms of talent recruitment, HR professionals must be proactive as marketers tend to be. They must scan social media platforms such as Facebook, Glassdoor or LinkedIn. Interfaces where potential candidates fill in their details to apply for jobs, are cumbersome so not user-friendly, so unlike marketing forms which interact using chat or web video. HR sadly lacks the human touch which will propel the field into the digital age. Real faces and smiles must be included on website instead of feel good but artificial images to show a diverse workplace. Real stories through videos and virtual tours to display company culture could be another real human method. Employees’ brand must be built so that they may willingly share company content on their personal social media handles, thus spreading the word. Strategic thinking must be done to impact on the touch points. Contextual advertising in HR refers to targeted ads that prove testimony to the work done at that profile. Like influencer marketing is used to attract new customers, such influencers must be leveraged to attract the best of talent.