5 Companies getting Employee Engagement Right
Five companies have been identified which are getting their employee engagement metrics about correct. First of these is Full Contact, a software firm that offers employees money to take travel breaks where no work related phone calls or messages are even allowed. The idea is that such holidays act as corporate training exercises as they come back fresh to work. Southwest Airlines has built this culture of collaboration across the organization where members from various departments can work towards common goals, as happened recently over design of their new uniforms. Legal Monkeys which maintains legal, records engages in posting of company achievements on their Facebook page. They also have an Appreciation Board which is a glass picture frame on which any employee can post a note directed towards someone they appreciate within the organization. UK Based hardware company, Screwfix maintains an honest work culture by instituting an employee feedback loop which passes every two weeks. At Dreamworks special perks are provided along with paid opportunities for members from different departments to work on common outdoor activities.