How Hiring at a Startup is completely different from Hiring in Finance
Increasingly fresh graduates as well as seasoned pros are debating whether to join finance or technology fields. With finance and banking ever contracting post the recession, such professionals are increasingly flocking to the tech industry. Talent recruitment at tech firms especially at startups though is significantly different to that at finance companies. First of all in the IT industry, a knack for getting things done with a positive attitude is valued more than pure credentials such as bio-data. In the finance industry, money is ultimately the sole driver of performances, but in tech others things also get valued during the hiring process such as work-life balance, ethics and organizational culture. The world of finance expects individuals to maintain organizational and industry norms, but tech values people who are self-starters so they can drive business themselves for the organization. On a similar note, IT firms especially startups prefer those who can start straight away rather than go through a lengthy onboarding stage. Brain teasers are a commonly used trope for recruitment at finance firms, but this method has been ditched by tech ones.