Embedding Sustainability on Organizational Culture
Sustainability is a trending topic at international forums these days. Yet not many companies are fully embracing its tenets. The term is usually defined as seeking to achieve today’s aims without compromising future generations’ abilities to accomplish the same. On the one hand there is the intent as in what do the sustainability norms of any company seek to accomplish. Then there is the approach of executing the plans laid out in the corporate strategy. Four kinds of organizational cultures have been identified within this context. There is the Collaborative style where the company seeks to achieve goals together as a unit. There are those known as Create cultures where innovation takes top priority. Result oriented ones can be categorized as Compete cultures. And then there are the Control ones, where the set hierarchy, stability and efficiency are the buzz words. Within the Asian context, some markers have been identified which must be followed in order to execute such sustainable practices. First of all, the senior leadership has to be vision, commitment and authentic engagement in striving to achieve such norms. The company structure has to be created in such a way that leadership expectations may be set in stone. Employees must be thoroughly engaged so that they feel the motivation to bring out sustainable practices of their own. Specific resources and capabilities need to be designated towards achieving these sustainability goals.