Transforming to a Sustainable Learning Organization
The most successful of organizations tend to be ones where learning is a continuous and not a one-time process. Such learning organizations see continuous improvement as their hallmark. Small, evolutionary stages are preferred over single-use revolutionary corporate training programmes. This is because now newer strategies become stable or obsolete over shorter durations. The depreciation in employees’ skill sets is taking place at a faster pace. Also, disruptive competitors are often derailing established practices rendering them irrelevant. Even employees themselves have several means of learning and development rather than being solely dependent on the specific training managers. To ensure that continuous learning gets integrated into the sustainability cycle, learning leaders will need to put in place a few recommended procedures. The entire training process will need to get reengineered to the current scenario while individual roles and responsibilities will evolve. Certain managers, executives and supervisors will need to be appraised for their learning leadership roles. Greater bits of technology and social learning will need to be integrated. Greater amount of analytics must be used. Finally, the greatest transformation ought to occur in the mentality to shift away from being the gatekeeper of learning solutions to simply being an enabler.