Date: 9th Nov 2011 Seminar on ”British Accreditation Council and Corporate Governance ”
Location: Skyline Business School-Gurgaon Campus
Speaker: Professor Steve Bristow-Senior Advisor (Quality Assurance and Governance)388415_10150379196854021_173324694020_8496394_1467830034_n
Mr. Bristow visited Skyline Business School to share his experience in the field of International Education. He started the session by describing the importance of accreditation process and how colleges and students view it seriously. He said accreditation becomes critical, with globalization of education as it helps maintaining standards. The session was attended by all the faculty members and students of the Skyline Business School.
Professor Bristow also deliberated upon importance of Corporate Governance. He discussed various challenges towards achieving good corporate governance and stressed on importance of transparency, compliances and alignment of interest of all stake holders – Thus in his view, if a corporate wants to be respected- Management, Regulators, Customs, and Shareholders  should be given top priority. The information required by these entities should be provided.
Students from Skyline College were also given an opportunity to share their views and clear their doubts. Overall it was a very good learning experience on part of the students. The speaker was kind enough to clarify all our doubts.


Compiled by- Mr. Subramanian


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