The 4 Dimensions of Digital Trust, Charted across 42 Countries
Digital trust has already emerged as one of the key areas of thrust in the so far young year of 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU) has already states its aim to better regulate personal data, its protection and the subsequent corporate trust-building. Facebook and Google have similarly voiced their concerns at data protection norms. The former is de-prioritizing content from third party publishers, with the latter making the country origin of content mandatory. Even China’s till-date opaque systems will no longer get a free run at data warehousing on sensitive, personal matters. A study was conducted across forty-two countries, by researchers from the Harvard Business Review to understand the major dimensions on which digital trust is captured. The first of the four captured is Behavior, which in particular talks about the responses by digital players post any friction in the environment or during such digital experiences. The second of these is how users view the attitudes of the players within the digital trust environment. Market research firm Ipsos played a big part in capturing insights among people on data privacy. Then there is the overall Digital Environment that tracks the robustness in implementation of regulator norms towards control mechanisms. And finally, there is the experience of the digital users. While some countries are on the trust-surplus side, majority are on what is the trust-deficit. So, China, Malaysia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia for example are high on trust, Pakistan and Australia are on the other side, with Germany and Japan right towards the middle.
Uploaded Date:03 March 2018