A few leadership lessons have been tracked from some of the most successful business leaders of recent times. Mark Alles, the CEO of Celgene says that to succeed in life one must think like the Marines. The CEO of Cognizant, Francisco D’ Souza says that in order to be successful at business innovation, it is essential to first recognize and understand the change before moving on quickly. General Electric CEO Jeffery Immelt has a complementary opinion on the same topic. He believes that not all innovators succeed at business, but those who are the best copycats. This basically implies the companies that can scale operations to bring some innovation accessible to the masses will cause the greatest impact. Immelt’s counterpart at Master Card- Ajay Banga – feels that work suffers if the leaders or other top executives do not show a sense of urgency. And then Rich Templeton who is the CEO of Texas Instruments says that no business will be truly successful unless it shares part of the spoils with the society at large.


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