More and more products are nowadays being developed with microchips inbuilt to them. This is making the products smarter and easier for the manufacturers to track them and their rightful usage. Even mundane products like fizzy drinks and washing detergents are set to have microchips built in. In fact market research giant Gartner suggests that smart products will rise from the 5 billion of today to a staggering twenty one billion by the year 2020. Thus high end brands can vouch for their own authenticity. The post usage disposal can also be led by the product itself and billions can be recovered from supply chain losses. Yet more than such measures, there is something else which this revolution aims at and that is connecting to the final customers. This is something which retailers have done for decades but manufacturers have been left behind. Now a cultural change at workplace is needed with more IT professionals staffing them. Data management instead of getting outsourced to IT enablers, must now be done in house by full time employees who will crunch this useful data for business analysis purposes.

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