It has been observed over time, that successful people aren’t necessarily happier than the others. This has also been noticed among students, where a similar comparison could be between the meritorious candidates, versus the rest. Top psychologist and talent management expert Laurie Santos, who is a trainer at Yale University, wanted to understand the crux of why this was happening. So, she launched a new programme titled “Psychology and Good Life”. This course was a grand success, where about a fourth of the top performers at Yale, enrolled for. A lot of this non- happiness could be traced to the overarching societal presence now of social media, through which people tend to judge themselves by comparing with others. Business intelligence shared by a You Gov poll confirmed how nearly a third of all millennials are unhappy. This clearly puts to rest the theory that depression is merely age- related. The human brain can also be ‘dishonest’ to the persons. Happiness and mindfulness too may be related, but aren’t the same. Some companies have made efforts to curate a work culture, that promotes employees’ happiness. The available metrics to measure happiness though may not really be accurate.


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