Both Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR) will play a big role in disrupting several industries. One such industry to be disrupted is manufacturing thanks to the application of virtual models that will transform the product development process. Another is automotive where augmented manuals will now make it much easier to execute tasks using step-by-step instructions. Retail will be disrupted thanks to the visualization tools which will allow customers the chance to view products from the comfort of their rooms. The next two industries to face such disruption are IT and communications. Virtual worlds will now be provisioned to curate interactive environments. Business innovation centred around AR or the related Virtual Reality (VR) have most affected the music industry where users can now experience concert halls using headsets and glasses. In the education sector, classrooms are now arriving at students’ homes ensuring more productive interaction with teachers. Going ahead, businesses will need to tie up with proactive strategic partners in order to leverage the current situation.


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