The digital age is ripe with examples of how companies attacked the set notions and created a niche for itself. Healthcare major Aetna’s approach is one such example. Its CEO Mark Bertolini realized that the one thing where Aetna had an advantage over all rivals is in data warehousing as they had massive stores of information of customer usage patterns. However, this would only be useful if implemented for some productive purposes. That is why Aetna’s merger with CVS is the perfect deal. Three previously disparate parts of the healthcare system will now be accessible from a single player- insurance, pharmacy benefit management and drugstores. Bertolini feels that visiting the doctor’s should be aesthetically pleasing experience akin to walking into an Apple Store. CVS meanwhile has over ten-thousand drugstores all over the US. Bertolini is also aware of the importance of business analytics in the present scenario, which is why he got the company’s headquarters moved from Hartford in Connecticut to New York City. While operational challenges abound in challenging the established giants, structural opportunities have certainly now been presented in the circumstances.


Uploaded Date:18 January 2018

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