As the example of the MD Anderson Cancer Center would testify, ambitious world-changing projects have long been thought of being done with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies, but it is the mundane, daily aspects where AI’s use has been more effective. There are three major ways in which AI supports business needs. One is in process automation such as data warehousing from email and call center records, communication and further replacement of lost information or physical products, processing legal information and extracting information from across disparate document types. Another is providing business intelligence after sieving through enormous chunks of data. The third is active engagement with the customer base, employees and other key stakeholders. A four-step process has been adopted successfully by companies that have integrated AI into regular business processes. Firstly, the technology needs to be understood thoroughly. Then a portfolio of projects needs to be recognized. At this stage, the opportunities and bottlenecks need also to be acknowledged and technology selected. After this pilot projects need to be launched on test basis. After all this is done, the operations need to be scaled up to provide business feasibility.


Uploaded Date:19 January 2018 

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