Several traditional players in the tourism industry, notably travel agencies are losing control over the choices that travellers make, thanks to the vast treasure trove of digital data now available. Review websites, online comparison tools and booking search engines have further complicated the survival of some industry players. To cope with these major disruptions, Big Data needs to be leveraged. There are five major use-cases as highlighted in a report by the IMF Business School, where this technology is being used by tourism players. The first such is Smart Bracelets which using a radio frequency system, can unlock hotel rooms or make purchases as done very well at Disney’s theme parks. Similar gadgets are also being used to executive a direct charge at mini-bars. Geolocated offers have also emerged taking advantage of location tracking. Airports 4.0 is a mechanism by which airport transfers can take place with the minimum of fuss. Personalized welcomes are also now available at hotels taking advantage of the vast data warehousing now being done, which helps service providers pinpoint the exact tastes and preferences of regular users. Blockchain is one area not yet used in a big way, but is a definite must for the coming times.


Uploaded Date:11 September 2018

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