The role of digital technologies has been well documented by several publications and reports. But one area where the impact of big data has been underscored is the global food chain. At every level from the farms to the plate, food companies can harness this data to create sustainable solutions. There are several steps in this overall journey, beginning with innovating at speed using soil sciences. This must lead to holistic input optimization. Farming operations then need to be optimized. The supply chain will automatically become more transparent thanks to the presence of data points across the journey, connected digitally. Downstream operations have to be stepped up to improve operational efficiency. There will be infrastructural challenges along the way, especially in emerging markets such as in Africa. Business analytics can help identify these bottlenecks in infrastructure before providing ideal warehousing location inputs using geospatial model. Once the cycle is completed, the supply chain company must anticipate waste. Granular data needs to be collected for this from waste streams before proving solutions from the retail level onward.


Uploaded Date:10 November 2018

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