Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies will increasingly come under the pressure to align their entire operations to provide an Omni- channel experience. Retailers in turn, will also prefer such firms. Thanks to the emergence of online retailers such as Amazon or Zalando, the erstwhile grip on the market that the CPG giants possesses, has diminished. To curate such an experience, CPG players need to ensure cross- functional collaboration. The corporate strategy likewise needs to have an Omni- channel philosophy. There are additional complications that have now arisen at the supply- chain network as well. This supply- chain needs to go through a proper segmentation. Disruptive technology also needs to be brought in to the game. Adequate optimization is needed for the internal lead- time. Finally, an overarching transition plan has to be put in place. This has to be include the smaller component pieces too. There must be an adequate provision for testing.


Uploaded Date:20 July 2019

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