Increasingly, professionals are adopting the path of remote working. This could be either through freelancing mode,doing a certain part of the work remotely or even setting up one’s own startup venture. A study conducted by marketing research leader Gallup shows that the number of such gig workers has gone up to 43% in the US compared to the figure of 39% back in 2012. Even the average hours dedicated to such modes by such independents has also gone up. While in most quarters it has led to a spurt in productivity, it has also led to the accumulation of some lifestyle related ailments. As the former Surgeon General of the US says, that “loneliness epidemic” is today a bigger problem than obesity. That is why co-working spaces are now thriving. A study conducted by Emergent Research shows that more than eighty percent of respondents claim that working at such spaces ahs increased their social interaction, expanded social networks, they feel less lonely and are even happier. It is expected that by 2020, nearly four million people will be engaged at co-working spaces, with each on average costing a rent of about US$ 350 a month. Companies could also consider placing their employees at such co-working spaces as most users have been highly satisfied and found the prices fair.


Uploaded Date:09 January 2018

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